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Procedure for builind quality wheels

This is the method for building a quality wheel.

1. Lace the wheel either using or not using nipple driver

2. Oil the nipples and spoke holes

3. If you have not used the nipple driver use the screw driver bit nipple driver

4. Tighten the nipples to eliminate loose spokes. First the drive side, then the non drive side. If the front hub has no disc tighten both together. THE GOAL IS TO ELIMINATE LOOSE SPOKES AT THE LOWEST TENSION.

5. Check the lateral run out. If it is within ¼ inch or so on both sides proceed to the next step.

6. Adjust the radial run out to .005 inches. THERE IS NO NEED TO DO ANY RADIAL ADJUSTMENTS AFTER THIS.

7. Adjust the lateral adjustments to get the rim straight. There is no need to center it at this point. I try to get the adjustment very close but not perfect.

8. Measure the spoke tension on the drive side spokes, if it’s a front wheel without a disc, measure any spoke. Measure one or two.

9. Tighten the drive side spokes to the final target tension. In a front non disc wheel tighten all of the spokes to the final tension.

10. Center the rim using the non drive side spokes. Fron this point on use only the non drive spokes to make adjustments. The drive side spokes are very tight and it’s much easier to get an adjustment with the non drive side spokes. This will offset the radial adjustment but I have found it will do so without much change so that typically the final radial adjustment will be .01 inches.

11. Stress relieve the spokes by squeezing them together. I use heavy gloves. You are actually taking the spokes beyond their yield point

12. Check the lateral run out and adjust as necessary.

13.Apply Loctite 242.

14.Clean the rim with Windex.

15. Check the centering with a centering gauge.

16. Clean the rim off with Acetone.